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发布时间:2011-6-19   来源:本站原创   点击数:


 Answer: Health Check, Frontier Inspection, Custom declaration , Security Check .答:健康检查,边检, 报关 , 安全检查 。
Customs in Beijing International Airport 海关在北京国际机场 
Customs in Beijing International Airport 海关在北京国际机场 




 What certificates should I prepare when entering into China?哪些证书时,我应该准备进入中国?

 Answer: A valid passport and visa are required for an individual to enter China.答:有效护照及签证是进入中国的个人需要。 Usually the airline/ship will give each passenger an entry card and a customs declaration form to fill out prior to arrival.通常航空公司/船将给予每个乘客的入境卡和海关申报表填写前的有效性。 These, together with other necessary credentials and documents, are needed to enter China through its open ports.这些加上其他必要的凭证和文件,都需要通过其开放端口进入中国。
Related Links:相关链接:  China Embassies Abroad 中国驻外使馆  Foreign Embassies and Consulates in China 外国使馆和领事馆在中国


Security Check at the Airport 在机场安全检查 
 Can I drive my own car into China?我可以驾驶自己的车进入中国?

 Answer: Yes.答:是的。 But foreigners arriving by car are required to enter China through their pre-approved ports.但外国人开车前来都必须通过他们进入预先核准的港口中国。 Upon arrival, valid passports, visas and related documents are required to be handed in and verified by customs authorities.抵达后,有效护照,签证及相关文件须递交由海关当局核实。


 Are there any specific requirements towards health according to the Entry Regulation?对健康是否有任何具体要求按条目监管?

 Answer: Yes.答:是的。 Those who came from yellow-fever infected areas must show valid vaccination certificates to the inspection and quarantine authorities and those who suffer from leprosy, AIDS/HIV infection, VD (venereal disease) and tuberculosis are prohibited from entry.这些谁从黄热病疫区来的,必须出示检验检疫机构有效的预防接种证书和那些谁从麻风病,艾滋病/艾滋病毒感染,性病(性病)和肺结核,受害的是禁止进境。


 What kind of person is not allowed to enter China?什么样的人是不允许进入中国?

Chinese Visa Sample 中国签证样本 
 Answer: The following personnel are prohibited from entering China:答:下列人员被禁止进入中国:
1. 1。 People who have broken Chinese laws and others who were expelled and have not been permitted to re-enter China.谁触犯中国的法律,谁被驱逐并没有被允许重新进入中国人的人。
2. 2。 Known or suspected terrorists and those who engage in violent and subversive activities.已知或怀疑恐怖分子和那些谁在搞暴力和颠覆活动。
3. 3。 Known or suspected dealers in contraband, drug trade, or prostitution.已知或怀疑经销商走私,毒品贸易,或卖淫。
4. 4。 People who suffer from Hansen's disease (leprosy), AIDS/HIV, VD (venereal disease), pulmonary tuberculosis and other infectious diseases.人谁汉森氏病(麻风病)患,艾滋病/艾滋病毒,VD(性病),肺结核等传染病。
5. 5。 People who cannot afford the cost of their stay in China.人们谁没有能力在中国的逗留费用。
6. 6。 People who are known or suspected to engage in activities that are harmful to China's social order and national security.谁是已知或涉嫌从事活动,是有损于中国的社会秩序和国家安全的人。
7. 7。 Those who do not hold valid passports, visas and other credentials.这些谁不持有有效护照,签证和其他凭证。
8. 8。 Those who hold stolen, forged or altered passports, visas and credentials.谁持有这些被盗,伪造,变造的护照,签证和证书。
9. 9。 Those who refuse to have their credentials and documents checked.这些谁拒绝了他们的证书和文件的检查。
10. 10。 Those who are forbidden to enter China by the Ministry of Public Security of China and the Ministry of State Security.这些谁是禁止进入的的中国公安部和国家安全部中国。

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